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MR-S10G lever type four ball friction testing machine


The MR-S10G lever type four-ball friction and wear tester is based on sliding friction. It is mainly used to evaluate the bearing capacity of lubricants under the conditions of extremely high point contact pressure, including maximum no-bite load P B and sintering load P D . The comprehensive wear value ZMZ and other three indicators, in practical applications, different evaluation indicators can be selected according to the various uses of the lubricant.


The test oil tank has an ambient temperature of up to 250 °C, and can be pre-selected for time, friction, temperature, etc., and the friction coefficient of the friction coupler can also be determined.


  1. Test force loading method: weight manual loading
  2. Maximum friction: 200N
  3. The relative error of the frictional indication should be no more than: ±3%
  4. Temperature control range: room temperature to 250 °C
  5. Temperature control accuracy: ±2 °C
  6. Spindle speed range: 200r/min to 1800r/min (infinitely adjustable)
  7. Speed ??control accuracy: ±10 r/min
  8. Spindle inner hole taper: 1:7
  9. One trial dose: 10ml
  10. Nominal diameter of special standard steel ball: Φ12.7mm
  11. Spindle motor power: 1.5kW
  12. Test machine spindle control : - time control - Friction control
  13. Test machine time display and control range: 1S ~ 9999min
  14. Dimensions of the testing machine ( length × width × height) (mm): 850 × 640 × 1570


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