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Tyre Plunger Testing System UP-2092


With modularized design to suit up to thirteen different testing functions, this machine operates via PC & software
which provides automatic data analysis. Machine performance is approved by globally renowned tyre manufacturers.


  • Manufacturing in compliance with ASTM F414/F870, ISO 1019 1/10454, and JIS D4230.
  • Applied: good for motorcycle, passenger car tyre, light truck tyre, and heavy truck tyre.
  • Maximum load capacity of 10 ton for plunger/vertical stiffness test.
  • Test type: Plunger test, bead unseating test, vertical stiffness test, lateral stiffness test, bevel stiffness test, footprint analysis, dimension measurement, envelop stiffness test, torsion test, inflation pressure test, and static stiffness test.
  • Dynamic showing test values at the selected point on any curve.
  • Storage of test curves and data which can be exported to Excel, PDF....., etc format.
  • Providing with plunger energy, strain, force, testing time, bead unseating force, average of plunger energy.....etc.
  • UP-2092 is a highly honored model which has been used by world famous tyre manufactures and National Rubber Tire Ouality Inspection Center(Government Organization) inspecting imported tyres before entering, into China market.


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