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Taber stiffness tester (automatic type) No.2048-D


Stiffness is one of important parameters for assessing the appropriateness of material for processing and printing. There are nearly proportional relationships between stiffness and beating degree, basis weight, thickness and water content. The correlation is remarkable especially with thickness. As with the No.2048-M, one end of the specimen (paper, paperboard, plastic sheet, metal foil, etc.) is held, and around the held point, the specimen is turned slowly, thereby being given flexural loads. The loading point (rotation angle) is read by a sensor when the deflection angle is 15 degrees, to calculate and output stiffness.


  • Fully automated zero adjustment, significantly reducing the measurement time.
  • Pinch the specimen, and push the AUTO switch. Measurement is done separately for right and left. Right and left data are shown on the digital display. The average of right and left results is also displayed. Very easy operation.
  • After measurement, the rotating disc quickly returns (four times faster) to the zero point.


Measurement ranges 0 to 10 (g·cm) 150deflection, 0 to 100 (g·cm) 150deflection,
0 to 500 (g·cm) 150deflection, 0 to 1,000 (g·cm) 150deflection
0 to 2,000 (g·cm) 150deflection
Optional 0 to 5,000 (g·cm) 7.50deflection,
0 to 10,000 (g·cm) 7.50deflection
Bending speed 1800 +400/min.
Stiffness data left, right, average
Specimen size 15 to 40 mm wide, 70 mm long, 27 mm long (for 0 to 10 range) Up to 3.2 mm thick
Referential standards JIS P-8125-2000, TAPPI T489os-99, ISO 2493
Power source single-phase 100/110 VAC 50/60 Hz 1A
Outer dimensions 300x320x440 mm
Instrument weight 13 kg


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