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Modular Energy Meters ULYS


Dirancang khusus untuk manajemen energi, 3 meter energi listrik untuk MV dan LV jaringan


  • Backlit LCD display which can be read when the instrument is disconnected (power reserve
  • Complete range of 6 self-powered meters:
    • Single-phase: 90 A – 230 V direct inputs
    • Three-phase: 90 A – 100 to 400 V direct inputs
    • Three-phase: inputs to 1 A and 5 A – 57.7 to 400 V current transformers
  • Single- or dual-tariff active and reactive energy metering
  • Zero-resettable meter for periodic energy management
  • Measures instantaneous and maximum power
  • Current/voltage ratio and programmable pulse transmitter


Nominal input voltage 230 V (-20%, +15%) in single-phase (EMd model)
3 x 100 to 230 V neutral phase, (-20%, +15%) (ETd model)
3 x 57.7 to 230 V neutral phase, (-20%, +15%) other three-phase models
Voltage input consumption < 1 VA per phase
Nominal input current (In) 15 A (90 A max.) for direct input (models EMd and ETd models)
1 or 5 A for input via current transformer; 6 A max.
Metering threshold direct input: 60 mA
CT input …/5 A: 10 mA
CT input …/1 A: 2 mA
Current input consumption direct input < 0.2 VA
CT input …/5 A: < 0.6 VA
CT input …/1 A: < 0.03 VA
Network frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Accuracy active energy (absolute/partial): cl. 1 according to IEC 61036
reactive energy (absolute/partial): cl. 2 in accordance with the
IEC 61268 standard
active power (instantaneous/maximum): 1% rdg, from 10 to 120% of In
Pulse output 0…230 Vac/325 Vdc, 100 mA max
Constant depending on configuration, from 0.1 Wh to 100 kWh per pulse
(can be defined upstream and downstream of the transformers)
Pulse width precision configurable from 50 to 500 ms (by increments of 50 ms), 1000 and
1500 ms
Metrological LED frequency 10 Wh for direct current input models (EMd and ETd)
1 Wh for the others
Tariff change inputs < 5 Vac/dc:T1
24 Vac/dc (±15%) < T2 < 230 Vac/325 Vdc (±15%)
Display LCD screen, backlighting on three-phase models
7 digits of 11 mm + pictographs
display with instrument switched off, reserve of 5,000 displays each lasting 10 s
Temperature at which used -20 to +55°C
Casing material polycarbonate
Protection class II
Fire/heat resistance IEC 695-2-1
Protection rating IP 51
Connection to screw terminals, 16 mm2 cross-section for direct inputs, 6 mm2
cross-section for all the other terminals, protection by means of sealable
terminal covers
Weight 500 g maximum
Compliance with standards IEC/EN 61036, IEC/EN 61268


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