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Smart Barometric Pressure Sensor - S-BPB-CM50


Smart Barometric Pressure Sensor memiliki rentang pengukuran 660 mb sampai 1070 mb (19,47 sampai 31,55 inHg), dan dapat melakukan pengukuran rata-rata untuk mendapatkan akurasi tertinggi. Kisaran suhu operasi untuk sensor ini adalah -40 ° sampai 70 ° C (-40 ° hingga 158 ° F). Sensor pintar tahan cuaca ini dipasang di luar selembar data logger.


Highlighted Features

  • Weatherproof housing enables mounting outside the station enclosure. This means the station can maintain its weatherproof seal without having to be vented to the atmosphere.
  • Measures barometric pressure over a wide range
  • Includes zip ties for mounting on mast; can also be mounted on flat surface with screws


Measurement range: 660 to 1070 mbar (19.47 to 31.55 in. Hg)
Accuracy: ±3.0 mbar (0.088 in. Hg) over full pressure range at 25°C (77°F); maximum error of ±5.0 mbar (0.148 in. Hg) over -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F)
Resolution: 0.1 mbar (.003 in. Hg)
Drift: 1.0 mbar (0.03 in. Hg) per year
Operating temperature range: -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F)
Environmental rating: Weatherproof
Dimensions: 6.4 cm (2.5 in) diameter x 5.1 cm (2 in) height
Weight: 96 gm (3.4 oz)
Bits per sample: 12
Number of data channels: 1 *
Measurement averaging option: Yes
Cable length available: 50 cm (20 in)
Length of Smart Sensor network cable: 50 cm (20 in)
Specification: This product meets CE specification EN61326-1 criterion C for ESD, criterion C for Radiated Immunity, criterion C for Fast Transient, criterion B for Conducted Immunity, criterion A for Power Frequency Magnetic Fields, and Class B for Radiated Emissions Group 1. To minimize measurement errors due to ambient RF, use the shortest possible probe cable length and keep the probe cable as far as possible from other cables.


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