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Water Level (30 ft) Data Logger - U20L-01


Water Level (30 ft) Data Logger - U20L-01 adalah logger data tingkat rendah tingkat penelitian untuk mengukur kadar air dan suhu di berbagai lingkungan bawah laut. Ini memiliki akurasi pengukuran 0,1%, perumahan polypropylene untuk digunakan di air tawar dan garam, dan desain non-vented untuk pemasangan yang mudah dan tanpa kerumitan.


Highlighted Features

  • Self-contained non-vented design enables easy deployment
  • Ideal for use in both fresh and saltwater environments, including wells, streams, lakes, wetlands, and tidal areas 
  • Depths up to 30 feet
  • Durable ceramic pressure sensor withstands freezing
  • HOBOware Pro software provides easy conversion to accurate water level reading, fully compensated for barometric pressure (see demo), temperature, and water density


Pressure (Absolute) and Water Level Measurements U20L-01
Operation Range 0 to 207 kPa (0 to 30 psia); approximately 0 to 9 m (0 to 30 ft) of water depth at sea level, or 0 to 12 m (0 to 40 ft) of water at 3,000 m (10,000 ft) of altitude
Factory Calibrated Range 69 to 207 kPa (10 to 30 psia), 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
Burst Pressure 310 kPa (45 psia) or 18 m (60 ft) depth
Water Level Accuracy* Typical error: ±0.1% FS, 1.0 cm (0.03 ft) water
Maximum error: ±0.2% FS, 2.0 cm (0.06 ft) water
Raw Pressure Accuracy** ±0.3% FS, 0.62 kPa (0.09 psi) maximum error
Pressure Response Time (90%)***  
Temperature Measurements
Operation Range -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F)
Accuracy ±0.44°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.79°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A in manual
Resolution 0.10°C at 25°C (0.18°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual
Response Time (90%) 10 minutes in water (typical)
Stability (Drift) 0.1°C (0.18°F) per year
Real-time Clock ±1 minute per month 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Battery 2/3 AA, 3.6 Volt lithium, factory-replaceable
Battery Life (Typical Use) 5 years with 1 minute or greater logging interval
Memory (Non-volatile) 64K bytes memory (approx. 21,700 pressure and temperature samples)
Weight Approximately 154 g (5.43 oz) in air Approximately 53.9 g (1.9 oz) in fresh water
Dimensions 3.18 cm (1.25 inches) diameter, 15.24 cm (6.0 inches) length; mounting hole 6.3 mm (0.25 inches) diameter
Wetted Materials Polypropylene housing and lanyard; Viton and Buna-N O-rings; ceramic sensor in acetyl end cap; stainless steel screws suitable for saltwater
Logging Interval Fixed-rate or multiple logging intervals, with up to 8 user-defined logging intervals and durations; logging intervals from 1 second to 18 hours. Refer to the HOBOware User’s Guide for details.
Launch Modes Immediate start and delayed start
Offload Modes Offload while logging; stop and offload
Battery Indication Battery voltage can be viewed in status screen and optionally logged in datafile. Low battery indication in datafile.
CE Compliant The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant directives in the European Union (EU).


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