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Rotorless Rheometer UR-2010


Special designed rheometer for silicon rubber testing.


  • With VCH software, the accuracy of die oscillating frequency and torque transmission can be checked automatically.
  • Our U-CAD software provides contour lines of physical properties to help the users choosing excellent formula matching easily.


  • In compliance with manufacturing standards ASTM D5289 , ISO 6502.
  • Providing S', S", S*, ML, MH, CRI, loss angle, tangent δ, etc.
  • Plots and % of compounding homogeneity variation.
  • Excellent reproducibility and repeatibility by our exclusive DSP analyzing program.
  • Automatically calibrate loss angle and torque.
  • High sampling rate up to 1200 points per one oscillating sign wave to reflect the curing and chemical interaction.
  • Automatic zero adjustment at every start of testing.
  • High speed temperature recovery.


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