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BMC-B1 Falling Dart Impact Tester


Before starting the test, choose test method, and estimate an initial mass and Δm. Start the test. If the first specimen fails, decrease the mass of the falling dart by Δm. If the first specimen is not a failure, increase the mass of the falling dart by Δm. Continue the test according to this rule. In brief, increase or decrease by Δm according to whether the former specimen is a failure or not. After 20 specimens, calculate the total number of failed specimens N. If N equals to 10, the test is over. If N is less than 10, add specimens and continue to test until N equals to 10. If N is greater than 10, add specimen and continue the test until the number of non-failure specimens reaches 10. Then the tester calculates the test results automatically according to specific formulas.



  • 2 test methods of A & B and automatic determination of testing status
  • Electromagnetic suspension and automatic release of the falling dart reduce the errors caused by manual operation
  • Pneumatic clamping, 2 starting modes of manual and pedal switch and built-in observation light are convenient to the user's operation
  • Professional software supports multi-unit result display, graphic display of testing process and data export and printing
  • Equipped with RS232 port and micro printer port which is convenient for data transmission and PC connection
  • Supports LystemTM Lab Data Sharing System for uniform and systematic data management



Technical Specifications

Test Method Method A or Method B is optional
Test Range Method A: 50~2000 g 
Method B: 300~2000 g
Accuracy 0.1 g (0.1J)
Specimen Clamp Pneumatic Clamp
Pressure of Gas Supply 0.6 MPa (outside of supply scope)
Port of Gas Supply Φ8 mm PU Tubing
Specimen Size > 150 mm x 150 mm
Power Supply 220VAC 50Hz / 120VAC 60Hz
Net Weight 70 kg
Instrument Dimension Method A: 500 mm (L) x 450 mm (W) x 1320 mm (H)
Method B: 500 mm (L) x 450 mm (W) x 2160 mm (H)



This instrument conforms to various national and international standards:
ASTM D1709, ISO 7765-1-1988, JIS K7124-1, GB/T 9639.1-2008


Basic Applications
  • Impact resistance test of plastic films, sheets and composite films e.g. PE preservative films, wrapping films, PET sheets and other food package and heavy packages
  • Impact resistance test of aluminum foils and aluminum plastic composite films
  • Impact resistance test of paper and paper board
Extended Applications
  • Test the resistance of the specimen against the falling ball. Mount the specimen on specific clamp for falling ball impact test and select falling ball of certain weight for the impact test. Check the status of the specimen and determine the impact resistance of the specimen
  • Impact test of shoulder lining. Mount the shoulder lining specimen to the specified clamp and select falling dart of certain weight for impact test. Check the status of the specimen and determine the impact resistance of the shoulder lining specimen.


Standard Configurations
Method A Accessories and Micro Printer
Optional Parts
Method B Accessories, Professional Software and Communication Cable
1. The port of gas supply of this instrument is Φ8 mm PU Tubing;
2. Customers will need to prepare for gas supply.


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