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    0812 8333 5497 (Mr. Muslim)



FSCAN-4000 adalah peralatan
yang secara otomatis dapat mendeteksi internal
asing hal (logam, kerikil, kaca,
plastik, tulang, dll) dalam makanan olahan atau
defectiveness (void dan retak) di dalam
produk yang tidak dapat dikonfirmasi
visual. Ini adalah deteksi otomatis
peralatan yang dapat memeriksa kelalaian
dan membatalkan produk ditutup di
Selain pemeriksaan fundamental
asing hal-hal


  • Outstanding detection power apart from packing materials (aluminium, paper, plastic, etc.)
  • Detecting contaminants / omissions / faulty products
  • Automatic setting for new production model and inspection standard
  • Production management by daily / monthly / model type
  • Analysis of MTBF equipment management
  • Image saving (autonatic saving for one month) / output / analysis
  • Roport output
  • Remote monitoring system
  • Various reports Output of monthly alarm analysis
  • Auto alarm function when the processing has trouble



X-ray Automatic Vision Inspection System
  • Products Liability(PL) is effective.
  • Can you show your customers that your product inside is defect-free?
  • We can promise you that our X-ray system will blow out your apprehension.
  • Xavis Automatic Inspection System will spot even finest contaminants for the finished product.

    Safety of checked products
  • WHO (World Health Prganization) announced that a food scanned by X-ray in 10kGy or less is entirely free from toxicity in tems of the nutrients contained and microbe.
  • As our X-ray system scans less than 0.04Gy, it is far less than that recommended by WHO.

Safety for humans
  • We are always exposed to radioactivity. The exposure level we got every year is about 1100μSv and we are also exposed by about 300μSv whenever we are shot by X-ray for chest.
  • The X-ray leakage dose for our X-ray system is less than 1Sμv/h.

Detection Capacity

Measurement [Distance, Dimension, etc.] 3D Image Analyze

Image Database Report

FSCAN-3000 FSCAN-4000 FSCAN-6000
Minimum detection capability Lead(Pb) 0.2mm, Fe sphere Ø0.28, SUS wire Ø0.28
X-ray output Max. 60kV,
Max. 120kV,
Max. 60kV,
Conveyor Inspection speed Max. 60m/Min., Min. 10m/Min
Width 270mm 420mm  
Max. passage height 165 170  
Maximum load 10kg (5kg belt speed when exceeding 40m/min)
Belt side height 750±50mm
Control computer / Monitor Pentium-4 / 15" Touch Screen
Operating System Windows 2000 Professional
Control of fauity image Saving in USB Port, transferable (HACCP recommended)
Masking/model registration function Basic spec./registration of maximum 10,000 items(HACCP)
Product Management Daily/Monthly/Model Product Capacity Analysis
Equipment Management MTBF, MTTR, Error Log, Error Analysis
Teacing Auto Teacing, Manual teching
Image management Image Save/Print/Analysis(Defect Size Measurement) (HACCP)
Washing Easy to wash(Water Washing)
X-ray leakage dose Maximum exposre level < 1μSv/Hour
Working Temperature 0°C ~ 35°C
Power/products weight 220V Single phase, Max. 320kg 220V Single phase, Max. 48kg 220V Single phase, Max. 320kg


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Artikel Terkait dengan Produk Fscan-4000





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