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Mullen Burst strength tester No.2025


The burst strength tester is designed to measure the pressure needed to make a paper sheet burst, by applying vertical pressure to the paper. This strength behaves like tensile strength, with a close relationship with machine direction tensile strength and elongation. This machine is designed to be used for the burst strength measurement
of paperboard, liner board, corrugated board, textile and the like. The principle of the machine is that the specimen is applied pressure indirectly, that is, via a rubber diaphragm by the use of glycerin. The maximum pressure at the moment the specimen bursts is read with a pressure gauge. Pressure application is made when the plunger advances forwards by the force of a motor. The specimen- clamping section are larger than those of a low-pressure type burst strength tester, enabling clamping the specimen firmly. The both clamping sections, upper and lower, are made of SUS-304 stainless steel. To secure reproducibility of test results, the tester is designed with the excellent possibility of fixing a specimen with a certain level of pressure by the handle, reading a pressure gauge on the hydraulic cylinder of the clamping section.


Specimen clamp upper clamp 31.5 +0.05 mm,
lower clamp 31.5 +0.05 mm
Compression speed 170 +15 cc/min.
Decompression speed 340 cc/min.
Pressure gauge 1 MPa, 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa, 5 MPa
Two kinds of pressure gauges are selected
from the pressures above.
Digital display is available in option.
Referential standards JIS P-8131-1995, TAPPI T807om-03, T810om-85, ISO 2759
Power Source single-phase 100/110 VAC 50/60 Hz 2A
Outer dimensions 760x500x540 mm
Instrument weight 91 kg


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