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AU - 1010 Bi Bursting Strength Tester For Paper (Manual Clamping Type)


For determining the Bursting Strength of Paper. Pressure is produced by electric motor and gear. Specimen is clamped between two concentric annuli by lever arm. Uniform pressure is produced and the plunger reverses automatically after rupture and saves testing time and increases diaphragm life. The bursting pressure, at the time of rupture is recorded on a sensitive pressure gauge. 

Double Pressure gauge assembly for fitting of bourdon pressure gauge/digital pressure gauge with stopper valve.

Various Standard Pressure Gauges Supplied on Demand: 

0 -4, 0 -7, 0 -10 & , 0 - 20, Kg/cm2



Heavy Duty Cast aluminium non-rusting body.
Compression foot of plexigalss with clamping plate of acid proof steel.
More uniform and better control piston speed by geared motor and timing belt.
Adjustable Clamping Force by way spring action.
Hand Lever actuates the raising and lowering of the upper clamp.
The Bursting Pressure, at the time of rupture is recorded on a sensitive pressure gauge.

Specimen Clamp-Upper Part

: 30.48 mm

Specimen Clamp-Lower Part

: 33.07

Flow Rate



: 150W, 220V AC Single Phase/ as per your order

All pressure gauges are statically and dynamically calibrated.
One pressure gauge is fitted as standard having peak value indicator. Two way valve is provided for extra pressure gauge.
Units supplied with ‘C’ spanner, 3 spare diaphragms and glycol topping-up fluid.

Various Standard Pressure Gauges Supplied on Demand:
0 - 2, 0 - 4, 0 - 7, 0 - 10, 0 - 14 Kg/cm2

TAPPI T 403, APPITA/AS 1301:403, SCAN P-24, BS 3137, ISO 2758, CPPA D8, IS 1060 PART I, ASTM D774

i. Standard Pressure Gauges with Indicator for Peak Value.
ii. Digital Pressure Transducer.
ii. Double Graduation in Kg/cm2 and PSI.

Shipping Data

Ordering Data

Net Weight



Gross weight




UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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