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AU - 1015 B Fluff Tester (GFL Type)


The fluff tester (GFL Type) is intended for laboratory determination of the linting tendency / short fiber of uncoated printing paper.


Special Black filter paper Dia70 mm with minimum density. 

Vacuum filtration unit with high capacity filtration membrane attachment for the drying of lints on black filter paper.



  • Linear pressure 490 N/m roll width.

  • Peripheral speed 0.4 m/s

  • Stainless Steel roll.

  • Standard Rubber roll.

  • Water tray, approx. 0.3 dm3.

  • Filter paper, black, 70 mm diameter,

  • Motorized paper feeding arrangement for better reproducibility

  • Complete test series comprises 200 sheets in A4 size, test time approx. 14 min.

Power supply 220 V, 1 Phase, 50 Hz, 150 W

sample size

: 210x 297 mm with the fibre direction longitudinal to the nearest    edge of 297 mm to keep off the lints on cut edge, automatic setting    with delay timer to rest the upper rubber roller on paper sheet after    cut edges


No of

: 200 pcs corresponding area 9.6 m2

Required time

: 14 /15 minutes


: 0.5 kp/cm2

Roller specification


Upper Rubber

: Made of poly choloroprener rubber dia 40 mm and the    hardness 80 dgree shore


Lower steel Roller

: stainless steel roller dia 92 mm with milled pyramid surface    depth 30

peripheral speed

: 0.4 M/sec


: Length 560 mm
  Width 450 mm
  Height 350 mm

Power supply

: 220 volt single phase 50 hz , 150 watt


: 55 kgs

UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to changes.


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