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FDT-02 Flex Durability Tester


FDT-02 is professionally applicable to the determination of flex durability of flexible films, composite films, and coating films. The instrument can simulate the kneading and creasing behaviors of films happened during production, processing and transportation. The flex durability would be obtained by measuring the changes in number of pinholes or barrier properties after test, which could provide quantitative basis for package design and practical usage.



films & 

  • 5 standard test modes and 4 specimen stations support various combinations of test conditions
  • Quick switch between long and short strokes improves the test efficiency
  • Application of servo motor further ensures the accuracy of test results
  • Dual protection for hardware and software as well as auto reset provides a safe operating environment for customers
  • The instrument is controlled by micro-computer, with LCD, menu interface and PVC operation panel.
  • Equipped with micro-printer for convenient data transfer



Technical Specifications

Flex Frequency 45 /minute
Tensile & Pressing Force 300 N
Torque 2 Nm
Specimen Thickness ≤2.5mm (Sample clamps are needed for other thickness specimen)
Flex Angle 440° or 400°
Horizontal Stroke 155 mm or 80 mm
Number of Stations 4
Number of Specimens 1 ~ 4Note
Specimen Size 280 mm x 200 mm
Instrument Dimension 715 mm (L) x 415 mm (W) x 645 mm (H)
Power Supply 220VAC 50Hz / 120VAC 60Hz
Net Weight 85 kg

Note: Multiple specimens share the tensile & pressing force and the torque.


This instrument is applicable to the determination of flex durability of:

Basic Applications
  • Flexible Films, Composite Films and Coating Films
    Including plastic films, sheets and composite films e.g. composite films, aluminized films, aluminum plastic composite films, nylon films and coating films for food or drug packages
  • Paper Materials
    Test the flex durability of paper materials




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